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Springfiel117 44 M
18 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   10/10/2023

When did the messenger stop letting new members message people using points?

0 Comments, 33 Views, 29 Votes ,0.23 Score
Springfiel117 44 M
18 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   10/10/2023

When did the messenger stop letting new members message people using points?

0 Comments, 22 Views, 22 Votes
RinBoots 71 F
29 Articles
Score 0.0
Members not interested   7/9/2023

The whole Magazine set up is member driven, if your not interested in posting any comments then that’s fine.

0 Comments, 29 Views, 23 Votes ,0.91 Score
DCdom7033 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   12/19/2022

This site is an embarrassment

0 Comments, 50 Views, 44 Votes ,0.34 Score
DCdom7033 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   12/19/2022

This site is an embarrassment

0 Comments, 31 Views, 27 Votes ,0.08 Score
DCdom7033 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   12/19/2022

This site is an embarrassment

0 Comments, 33 Views, 29 Votes
DCdom7033 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   12/19/2022

This site is an embarrassment

0 Comments, 25 Views, 25 Votes ,0.81 Score
DCdom7033 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   12/19/2022

This site is an embarrassment

0 Comments, 18 Views, 18 Votes ,0.94 Score
DCdom7033 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   12/19/2022

This site is an embarrassment

0 Comments, 28 Views, 25 Votes ,0.37 Score
DCdom7033 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   12/19/2022

This site is an embarrassment

0 Comments, 25 Views, 24 Votes ,0.74 Score
DCdom7033 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   12/19/2022

This site is an embarrassment

1 Comments, 23 Views, 19 Votes ,1.15 Score
DCdom7033 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   12/19/2022

This site is an embarrassment

0 Comments, 19 Views, 18 Votes ,0.26 Score
DCdom7033 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Meh   12/19/2022

This site is an embarrassment

0 Comments, 11 Views, 9 Votes ,1.29 Score
jthp6969 40 M
4 Articles
Score 0.0
Its a bit hard   9/29/2021

But Its hard for me to tell someone of the same sex I am not interested because regardless I am a caring person so I want to make sure I do not offend anyone. What's the best advice for this?

2 Comments, 87 Views, 67 Votes ,0.30 Score
jtpbigck69 40 M
4 Articles
Score 0.0
Saying no in a nice way   11/28/2020

how do you usually say no to someone that you are not interested in?

6 Comments, 135 Views, 93 Votes
5 Articles
Score 0.0
Anyone have any secrets they want to share?   7/2/2020

Anything taboo stories to get the convo going?

1 Comments, 53 Views, 47 Votes
react2alt 53 C
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Just points to reply   11/3/2019

Just points to reply

3 Comments, 108 Views, 87 Votes ,0.75 Score
midmodude4 54 M
4 Articles
Score 0.0
To be, or not to be...   5/4/2019

I got a question. Tis it nobler or more appropriate to tell someone their is no interest, perhaps with explanation or to end in perpetual silence?

1 Comments, 40 Views, 29 Votes ,0.43 Score
MissTriciaTPE 69 F
0 Articles
Score 0.0

EVERY DAY on ALT.COM several million scammers are seeking YOU out.! <br><br> Does YOUR profile make you seem NEEDY ? <br><br> <br><br> As a PRO DOM who YES. makes a financial living from this lifestyle. let me explain what I mean .. <br><br> LOOK AT YOUR PROFILE , And I mean REALLY LOOK at it .. ...

1 Comments, 28 Views, 7 Votes ,2.79 Score
blkgrp2007 49 G
1 Article
Score 0.0
Gay/Bi Men   9/24/2017

At what point to you get rude with the pushy gay men? i usually just give a simple No Thanks.. But some just can't take NO... I'm sure the women deal with this all the time. Thanks

2 Comments, 61 Views, 18 Votes ,2.72 Score
Niceblueeeyes36 47 M
9 Articles
Score 0.0
Polite rejection   3/11/2017

Have never suffered with too much ill feeling over being rejected, although do how the arrogance of how some deliver it. Currently if I want to tell someone they are not my type, I have found that it softens it or puts it into perspective to say that they are simply not my 'flavour'. Wondering if that sounds crass? but it seems to make sense to me. Sound like Volvo's some like Porches, some like ...

4 Comments, 59 Views, 14 Votes ,4.26 Score
salesman58 65 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
seems easy but...   12/14/2015

Wish I had the chance to say no to some of the ladies here, but more often is men looking for another man that do not take NO very easily. Why don't some read profiles?

2 Comments, 39 Views, 13 Votes ,3.98 Score
MissLoveParty1 42 F
17 Articles
Score 0.0
Not Interested   4/16/2015

What do you think is the best way to tell someone you're not interested? Especially if it's someone that you probably will see somewhere and don't want an awkward situation?

15 Comments, 129 Views, 18 Votes ,4.08 Score
nowhome34952 64 M
4 Articles
Score 0.0
Nothing wrong   6/8/2014

To me there is nothing wrong with saying no thanks. I have been in this lifestyle for many years 30 and counting. I have seen, heard and done a lot and trust me not everything is for everyone. Just find someone who fits you wants and desires and then push the envelope a little but don't go out of the comfort zone. This lifestyle only works well with trust, openness, honesty and desire.

3 Comments, 42 Views, 10 Votes ,3.78 Score
The_Beast_Master 58 M
4 Articles
Score 0.0
Saying no is better than bullshitting   8/26/2012

I have been approached by many women who have initially provided me with bullshit photos so what do you say to them? No thanks

2 Comments, 109 Views, 10 Votes ,4.18 Score
Slavejasmine09 46 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
be open and up front   7/24/2012

be open and up front and talk about what you both want and be willing to try new things

1 Comments, 28 Views, 6 Votes ,3.65 Score
yourboackboorFB 72 M
3 Articles
Score 0.0
I wish people would say no thanks!!!   3/7/2012

People don't just ignore e-mails!!!! Write back and so no thanks!!! Way to many e-mails go unanswered!!!! It is the polite thing to do!!!!

8 Comments, 115 Views, 13 Votes ,4.99 Score
woodboy1981 43 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
why?   1/28/2009

If i told somebody no thanks already and keep asking me for sex? what can i do? that peson dont leave me alone. and im sick of it.i dont like to use violence or be rude with people but at this point i feel like if im gonna exploid.

2 Comments, 93 Views, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
soulstrands 67 F
3 Articles
Score 0.0
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars, and I said no thank you   11/28/2008

I was recently approached by a Dominant that offered me potentially everything. Several homes in amazing locations, a connection to nature and life around them, boats, cars, lake, city, prestige, a private dungeon, freedom to spend, shop, primp, live what could be seen as the life of Riley.

His letters to me were so far and away from the norm I receive, they caught my attention and ...

11 Comments, 452 Views, 29 Votes ,6.15 Score
blueeyedgirl70 53 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
Already had a problem   5/4/2008

I've been a member here less than 24hrs and I've been extremely polite to each and every response I've recieved yet one member asked for my YM ID after our first email. I politely told him that I don't give out my YM ID's (I leave them off my profile for a reason) as I've had problems on another site in the past. He immediately emailed me back and rudely informed me I must be of lower ...

11 Comments, 371 Views, 34 Votes ,6.92 Score
biwildwilly 67 T
1 Article
Score 0.0
No Thank You   1/8/2008

I was checking on the love list and this couple came up that look to be interesting so i set them a wink and put them on my hot list. I was wink back and put on their hot list. I e-mail the back to let them know that i was interested in them Even if they wear on the heavy side, I did not have a problem with that. The Female was Dom and her husband was a Sub, I sent her a couple of e-mails as to ...

0 Comments, 230 Views, 9 Votes ,1.07 Score
WildThang1275 69 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
Thank You, I am not interested.   8/11/2007

When someone contacts me and their profile does not interest me, I click the quick response and am done. The problem comes when they return email with nasty comments. Why does NO THANKS have to become a slap to your sexuality, sensuality, intelligence, body shape, lifestyle and more?

Maybe the person receiving the NO THANKS should step back for a moment and think that this person has ...

3 Comments, 119 Views, 9 Votes ,5.14 Score
Bolt7 47 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
winks and flirting   7/20/2007

Having someone view your profile might suggest they liked you picture or your one-line come on but it doesn't necessarily mean they're interested. After reading about you, there might not be a match. Still it shows up on your "interested" list.

But winks should be a better indicator right? I say *should* because I am the proud recipient of a "no thanks" quick reply indicating she ...

2 Comments, 142 Views, 11 Votes ,5.04 Score
Daimon72 52 F
7 Articles
Score 0.0
Master's Offer   5/21/2007

I consider myself submissive. I received an offer from a potential master about a week ago.

Here is my problem, the way he approached the subject made me want to defy. I have never had that happen to me on a first meeting. He chose to tell me that he is very prominate in this community and that his wife knows nothing of his desires. Those two facts right there made my stomach turn. It ...

7 Comments, 383 Views, 21 Votes ,5.97 Score
tazdawg46 54 M
41 Articles
Score 0.0
no thanks   3/9/2007

I think it's just being rude not to reply to someone that's taken the time to respond to your profile. ON the other hand there is too many random hits and fake, (maybe people paid by this site) emails that it starts to piss you off. If it's a genuine email I reply each time. There are many ways to say no thanks but the best is thanks for your interest but no thankyou.

3 Comments, 72 Views, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
norann 52 M
6 Articles
Score 0.0
random hits to your profile   2/13/2007

Anybody else wonder what contributes to some of randome visits to your profile? Of course it is flaterring but curious as well when somoeone for very far away drops by for a look.

4 Comments, 176 Views, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
pinkie_blonde 70 F
8 Articles
Score 0.0
Cock Shots   12/26/2006

i generally turn down requests for contact from Men who send me nude pictures, especially cock shots. But i got to thinking, why would a Man send one of an unattrative cock. Don't get me wrong; most cocks are more than average in size, but that alone doesn't make them attractive. So i thought i'd hand out my POV on the matter.
1) If Your cock is a ...

15 Comments, 534 Views, 39 Votes ,5.76 Score
oshit01 41 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
how do u say no   12/18/2006

when u set up a meeting with a girl and she smells like fish how do u tell her no

1 Comments, 127 Views, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
sexie1 53 F
2 Articles
Score 0.0
leave it alone   11/21/2006

Why can't people take no for an answer. If a married person contacts me I politely reply and tell them I am not interested in married men. Please leave it at that. I don't want to hear about your miserable marriage or that your wife is not into it. I am not into it with a married man!

2 Comments, 287 Views, 13 Votes ,3.14 Score
29m4perversegal 49 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
Why people donth bother to reply   11/12/2006

I have often been thinking why people are so lazy when it comes to be polite on the net. Very often when i send someone an email, i dont even get a reply. How hard is it to simply say "no thanks, i am not interested" I know that some get a lots of emails. And of course the women in here maybe get tons of mails, but thats not an excuse to not reply, i mean if they get too many mails than ...

6 Comments, 251 Views, 15 Votes ,5.58 Score
BritishHawk 38 F
5 Articles
Score 0.0
Should I...?   11/9/2006

My "boyfriend", Paul, is very persuasive. Only recently have I finally given into him and had sex, but before that I had to resort to all sorts of excuses to say no. Did I have a good reason? No, not at all. I didn't want to have sex, but then, I was young and didn't know much. Every time Paul suggested it, I would feel embarassed and wonder what to say. My first thought was always, "Should ...

3 Comments, 387 Views, 9 Votes ,3.21 Score
colette77 46 F
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Why do some trolls cant take a rejection   10/21/2006

Ive noticed that most trolls can not take rejection. It makes me question..? Im always polite when someone approaches me but I can get really angry when they keep going on and on... so if this is you.. dont show women that you are desperate it is so unattractive... thank you

2 Comments, 235 Views, 14 Votes ,3.46 Score
Samegutt 51 M
2 Articles
Score 0.0
How to say no to a woman   10/6/2006

I meet this lovely and beautiful woman here on I am ready for sex, in all kind and ways, so was she.., but she was also ready for more; moving togheter in the same apartment etc. She want listening to me, I doesn't want a relationship. How to say "No"..!?

2 Comments, 379 Views, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
Kaysler 40 M
5 Articles
Score 0.0
Male Obligations   9/23/2006

It seems the more and more I get into the lifestyle the more and more i notice that we (of the lifestyle) have a respect for one another. Top, bottom, male, female, doesn't matter limits are limits. Which is great but since i live in a small area i'm stuck looking for vanallia people to be aroung and date around with, and i think I've noticed that there is a great lack of resect it seems in ...

1 Comments, 162 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
johnson2252000 64 M
6 Articles
Score 0.0
never thought it would happen   7/16/2006

never thought it would happen to me. I'm not one of those pretty boys. In the last 3 months I have found 3 occasions in which I needed to say "No thanks." For one it was just there was no attraction what so ever. She kept saying it was the best I could ever get - but I have learned to have standards. The other was a lady who was in a sad state mentally. I could not bring myself to ...

1 Comments, 225 Views, 8 Votes ,2.32 Score
Pan_and_Ramsey 49 C
1 Article
Score 0.0
When there IS no reply...   7/9/2006

I'd think it's safe to say that if you send someone a reply and you don't get one back, does this not mean they're not interested?? I've had many people get so snotty about this and show their true colrs/manners. So.. What I DONT get is that WHY do the men get so upset over not getting a reply when their profile CLEARLY states/wreaks that they're out for a*s?? Personally, if they cant ...

4 Comments, 421 Views, 23 Votes ,4.65 Score
MistressDior 56 F
7 Articles
Score 0.0
How to explain to a submissive that he is not suitable   6/23/2006

A submissive usually would not take no for an answer. He will ask and cajole and plead and say that he loves you(this is often just a trick to get you to keep him). You get annoyed bu his whining.
To test whether the guy is genuine, tell him to do something difficult for you, that would require a lot of effort from him and observe what he does.
He either does what you asked ...

2 Comments, 124 Views, 9 Votes ,5.56 Score
GoddessKell 55 F
3 Articles
Score 0.0
Dont Take it personal....   6/10/2006

Dont take it personal when you meet someone and the "chemistry" just isnt there. The thing you have to remember is that 99% of the people you meet you wont get along with EVEN if they are physically attractive. The key to finding the right person is knowing that YOU want and need from a potential Dom/me sub/slave and then DONT SETTLE for anything less. When I am meeting someone whom I ...

2 Comments, 143 Views, 9 Votes ,4.07 Score
1 Article
Score 0.0
everyones expecting   5/30/2006

people are always sending the most crazy emails and most expect a responce. This isn't porn shop just a place to hook up. if people would lightn up and just be honest with self you'd be getting some right now.

1 Comments, 102 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
SubKrystinka 45 F
10 Articles
Score 0.0
will you be the slave for the rest of my life?NO THANKS   4/29/2006

Why people just dont understand when u refuse them and they are so angry about it.I just dont get it, or maybe i am a little bit stupid hehe

2 Comments, 227 Views, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
teachme409 36 F
2 Articles
Score 0.0
when you've found someone else....   3/30/2006

Why is it that whenever I've said "Thank-you, but I've found what I'm looking for right now" men seem to think its an invite to ask one of, or the entire series of questions... "Why does he have I don't" "What makes you think he's better than me" "Why did you lead me on" "Will you keep in touch with me in case it doesn't work out" "Will you just call me anyways"
Its pathetic. ...

1 Comments, 170 Views, 10 Votes ,3.39 Score
clitlicker5013 69 M
5 Articles
Score 0.0
How to say you are not interested   3/25/2006

I believe that people need to be more honest when they either respond to an individual, or show any interest. They need to be upfront from the beginning. If the person does not appeal to you, then let them know. Don't lead them on and then back out. If you put a pic in your profile, make sure it is you.

0 Comments, 93 Views, 5 Votes ,5.43 Score
mooodyman 55 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
dont get tied down.   2/1/2006

She looked so nuetral. And as i talked to her she showed no sign of what was to come . I went to her house and we drank some then she got a little goofy and asked me if she could tie my hands behind my back. i Playfiully said yes she looked so sweet and beautiful. nice and almost naive.I let her kindinly . She removed my pants and as i was naked she rubbed me off before tying it off with ...

0 Comments, 549 Views, 21 Votes ,0.28 Score
Kelli_sJenn 44 F
4 Articles
Score 0.0
Is It Illiteracy or Just Ignorance?   1/10/2006

The thing is a lot of times, saying "No thanks" doesn't work. Men are particularly clueless. They troll. They stalk. They whine, wheedle, and lie their asses off just for the incomprehensible "flirtation" of showing you a picture of their penis as if that's all the allure someone wants in a relationship. Get some clues, boys! <br> When someone takes the time and makes the ...

2 Comments, 588 Views, 53 Votes ,6.80 Score
UnCutRebel 52 M
3 Articles
Score 0.0
Kinda hard to say NO   12/17/2005

Kinda ODD but I feel we all have had this moment in our "dateing" lives.......hence ya like certain peeps but not sexually....But they want you...Odd cause when you crave this you get it but not from the ones you cums to do you engage in sex just cause the other wants too, or you say no and become the bad guy? I rather say NO and be ohnest.....Sum say ...

1 Comments, 145 Views, 8 Votes ,2.09 Score
SuperMandingo 39 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
How to say no   11/7/2005

To say "no" and make it stick, try this three-step technique. Ask yourself each of these questions, and then look your friend straight in the eye, and confidently state your position: <br> <br> 1. What's the problem? Be very specific about what is wrong. Give it a name. Say "that's stealing, " or "that's dangerous, " or "that's mean." <br> 2. What could ...

0 Comments, 168 Views, 11 Votes ,2.42 Score
mastrwil365 77 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
how to say no   10/23/2005

Be honest in your evaluation of the other person and if you still feel a negativity of interest be firm and say/write NO (nothing else equates with these two letters so far as communication is concerned - it is a universal acceptance of negativity).

0 Comments, 205 Views, 15 Votes ,2.67 Score
16 Articles
Score 0.0
Propriety or Prudishness   9/10/2005

When it comes to male on male love....its strictly a matter of personal choice. I mean , most guys have had one or two.......a few or more Homosexual encounters in their time. (and) that is understandable. <br> However, I think a guy has to make some I am a regular Bi-sexual or I make a living fucking other guys -up the ass, (ect. <br> Now, ...

2 Comments, 223 Views, 6 Votes ,2.80 Score
DougErin 56,1945 C
8 Articles
Score 0.0
How to say "No Thanks"   9/9/2005

I've been in a lot of situations where things were offered. Whether its a lap dance or a 3rd helping of pie, when offered and your not interested, I've always found the best answer to be "No Thanks". Its simple and it works. Why do we always try to make life so complicated?

0 Comments, 234 Views, 14 Votes ,5.54 Score
domspankarino 65 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
"No" doesn't = "Nasty"   9/8/2005

One of the things the Internet has added to our lives as we seek our partner, is access to a larger pool. I live in a city that has plenty of prospective partners, but how do you cut through the bs and find others with compatible interests? The Net provides safe ways, like through ALT... First, it enables me to look at a profile, hopefully with a picture, and see if what's said or unsaid ...

1 Comments, 135 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
SweetDenial 67 F
7 Articles
Score 0.0
After I was finished he said no thanks.   7/18/2005

I recently had a man write to me. This was the first e mail to me and this is how I said no in a different way and gave him a taste of his own crudeness. _____________________________________ I'm looking for a bit of help--special help. I'm thinking of having 4 guys over for a poker party but I need a bit of an edge. You could help me with this edge by assuming the role as my hostess ...

13 Comments, 1553 Views, 98 Votes ,8.00 Score
dynamitesneon 41 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
I'm innept   7/8/2005

I meet people from thse sites occationally, and they're never my type. I have no good way of turning them away, so I just try and fade out of mind. Does anyone have a better way, without hurting anyones feelings? Am I doing it right?

5 Comments, 343 Views, 11 Votes ,2.05 Score
bound_sweetness 66 F
2 Articles
Score 0.0
I try to be respectful   6/30/2005

Even when saying, no thank you, since respect is important. One can not just say 'fuck off' .. well wait, one can but it's entirely rude. Instead i like to point out why i consider the whole effort a complete wash. It's actually a fairly good way of pointing things out if mistakes have been made. Things that people should consider.... i think it helps them in their searches. Sometimes ...

2 Comments, 239 Views, 19 Votes ,5.10 Score
usmcrara123 52 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
Meeting and Declining Sexual Invitations   6/21/2005

Has anyone ever met anyone off of this site and changed thier mind about having sex with them because of false information or pictures posted on the site?

4 Comments, 569 Views, 15 Votes ,3.13 Score
Ed4T_girl 37 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
Safety In Play   6/12/2005

Hi All, I recently went to meet up with a mistress from the uk, called SexyDomBitch. We had chatted on line for a week days and had discussed a lot fo BDSM activities we both enjoyed. During this time, She had asked me to send her 15 pictures of myself doing things she had told me she wanted to see. Throughout this she refused point blank to send me a picture of herself and told me I ...

6 Comments, 568 Views, 37 Votes ,6.54 Score
xperenceisbest 59 C
1 Article
Score 0.0
White or Wong?   5/23/2005

My sub and I have been together for 30 plus years as husband and wide as well as Dom/sub. I am a psychologist and from the moment I met her I realised she was a closet Bisexual. So I encouraged her to make love with other women, although I liked to be present. She has had some terrific lovers; some subs as well, which has made things especially good from my point of view. But the most ...

0 Comments, 348 Views, 17 Votes ,1.29 Score
needlesnpins 38 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
Masochism without the sex   5/12/2005

I came here looking for someone to get involved in needle play with, not because it arouses me sexually, but because i like the how it feels in a "pain to know you are alive" way. I have been in the community as a voyeur for a year now, and the only thing that i have ever seen and wanted was to be pierced. I came to find a piercing artist who can maybe involve me in a show without going ...

2 Comments, 313 Views, 16 Votes ,2.25 Score
dresseuse 66 F
3 Articles
Score 0.0
The Message   5/6/2005

I have always found it to be very important to communicate in some detail as of why things will not click between a new aquaiqutance and or enquiry. Even if my mail box is flooded with virtually dozen’s of new messages with most of them being “canned” and very short to a degree of a few pointed and often degrading words. My responses have varied of course, but overall I always give a ...

1 Comments, 369 Views, 25 Votes ,4.68 Score

"SANTA, can Police seize my cell phone, if we take pictures of our doin's; this weeek-end with Tiffany, Ooopsie, Carmen and me, SANTA?" Just pretend to be 14yr. old, best "nigga-friend" of Tiff.;"DARBY" asked, as she continued to ride SANTA's pony, with girlish enthusiasm. The old Elf chuockled and shook his baldling head, and giving Darby a thank-you pat on her caramel coloured butt, he said. "New Hanover County Judge W.Allen Cobb Jr.Superior Court, in Wilmington, NC, ruled that arresting officers should have obtained a search warrant before viewing images from the camera phone of one Mr.ChristopherSnow, 26. Mr.Snow is charged by Wrightville Beach Police with second-degree sexual-offense and secret peeping-photographic image. A witness told Police that she had seen Mr.Snow taking pictures of an unconscious woman on the beach. An officer activated the phone and retrieved several immages, including one of someone pulling down the woman's underwear. A warrant was obtained the next day, and police contacted Sprint corporate headquarters, that provided copies of seven images including one of the woman's genital area. Judge Cobb wrote "THE SEARCH AND SEIZURE`Did not fall with in any aknowledged exception to the Search Warrant requirement under THE FOURTH AMENDMENT." "WOW, " jiggled just pretend to be 14, Darby. SANTA continued, "Police officers violatedMr.Snow's constitutional rights when they seized a camera-cell phone containing explicit images." "Judge Cobb's finding, could create legal precedant and serve as a reference point for future cases nationwide." [please excuse any typos, no Spell-Checker-will keep readers posted on further cases]

Comments, Views, Votes
Iaindvc 59 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
No thanks !!!   5/4/2005

Is it just me or do a lot of people have a problem with saying "no thanks" ? <br> I have been a member of alt now for several yaers and have written many well directed messages top people. My profile is very long and my messages are always directed at the speciffic person, couple. <br> At the end of my message I always ask that if you are not interested please just send ...

3 Comments, 384 Views, 27 Votes ,7.87 Score
Rainmaker44 62 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
It's the same in vanilla...   4/28/2005

Courtesy and thoughtfulness SHOULD BE something that everyone practices, no matter what kind of lifestyle they lead...I will answer each and every message sent to me, whether or not I think we would be compatible...and yet, time after time, I get silence from those that feel we're not compatible...I understand that some people will get idiots messaging them, and they should be treated ...

0 Comments, 140 Views, 10 Votes ,4.58 Score
blacksnoopy77 41 M
3 Articles
Score 0.0
what men want   4/14/2005

Men can stop chasing sex and say "no thanks" but if it falls in their lap...they're all over it. If a female walks to any guy she'll get sexual favors 3 out of 4 guys wether they're married or not

1 Comments, 194 Views, 13 Votes ,1.63 Score
BrendaB 65 T
7 Articles
Score 0.0
Me ?   3/20/2005

Usually I get a lot of inappropriate sexual offers because I look so pretty. Some gays think I'm a boy HO and try to buy me what a mistake they want a man and would run a soon as they saw my tits! Not that wouldn't like it I'm just not who they were thinking I was. Then some teens try to pick-up on me usually girls who are attracted by my looks and are under legal age not exactly who I ...

0 Comments, 233 Views, 15 Votes ,0.07 Score
kinkyemailbird 44 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
I'm a bit curious   3/10/2005

hey out there I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but can anyone tell me why most men on here seem not to be able to read? now I'm not a man hater, but as my profile states I'm looking for a girl here as, don't take offense, but men are somewhat easier to find in normal everyday life. but I keep getting hounded by pictures of unatractive mens privates and it's starting to ...

13 Comments, 857 Views, 50 Votes ,5.77 Score
eelk694u 70 T
1 Article
Score 0.0
flakes   2/11/2005

why are there so many dishonest deceitful guys out there? I am very explicity as to what i give and want from a guy. Im a bottom tgirl and say so, but they lie about their desires and only want a BJ. Or they are a half-and-half XDreseer and look awful with their hairy bodies and terrible clothes. Im also through replying to non-photo members. all men are the same - only their ugly faces ...

3 Comments, 473 Views, 27 Votes ,3.56 Score

SANTA[DATELINE]PolicingVideoVoyeurs! [The FEDS join the battle against perverts with cameras] JOlene Jang was enjoying an outdoor festival in Seattle withherboyfriend when she felt uneasy by a creepy guy standing too close behind her. He was reaching into her backpack. When she confronted him, the man started to run away, but Jang's boyfriend tackled him and held him until police arrived. A pickpocket? No the man wasn't just a pickpocket he was using a small digital video camera to take pictures up her skirt. Her assailant pleaded that he was just taking the pictures for his own enjoyment. The courts thought different, he was convicted, began serving 38 days for violation of the State Voyeurism Law. However;the WashingtonState Supreme Court, overturned the verdict[Ruling: That Ms.Jang was out in public when it happened, she had no reasonable expectation of privacy.] Furious Ms.Jang became an outspoken activist, and finally the state rewrote the law [The space under a person's clothes private even in a public place.] SANTA has found out that currently 44 states have some kind of statute that makes video voyeurism a crime. A just-passed Federal Law could help sort out the problem of State's Laws with vague wording and First Amendment issues. [It is a crime to secretly photograph anyone onFederal Property or Military Bases.] Ms.Jang says, "I'm still wearing skirts, but i make sure that they're on the longer side." [SANTA says""]

Comments, Views, Votes
93 Articles
Score 0.0
SANTA;   2/2/2005

SANTA[UnDeadLine]RALEIGH, NC;I'mDead? SANTA.was.reading.Police-Blotter, Funeral-Obituaries, and Autopsy Rep- orts for a new "Article" when he came.across.a.MedlcalExamner's.cause of death:"UNDEAD!"return to Franklin Regional MEdical Ctr.Hospital. A mwdical examiner studying a body in the morgue was taken aback when he saw the man take a short shallow breath. ...

0 Comments, 95 Views, 10 Votes ,0.60 Score

SANTA[DEADLINE]VIDEO.VOYEURISM: "SANTA, of "nonconsensual photograpy" with a video camera?" "That would have to be when Bunny Brunt was shopping at the Norolk Mall, in.Richmond, Va.for.prom.access-ories with her 18-year-old daughter Raquel when she noticed a man waving under Raquel's skirt. obviously, if wishing he could see up her skirt, if she were wearing panties, or maybe not, a blind shot of the teen-agers pusse^." "When Mrs.Brunt confronted him, he bolted. After she and another, custom er chased hin down in the Mall. Security found a secret, hidden, video camera the shopping bag he had used to peer up Raquel's skirt. Arrested, it was found that he had also been up-skirting.several other-teens." "But, because of a loop-hole in Virginia's law, prosecuters were.only able to convict, Jeffrey Swisher of nonconsensual photography, disorderly conduct, to serve 10 DAYS IN JAIL!" inuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu "It's immoral, it's certainly wrong, but under the code, it's just not a writtn offence, "said Delegate John Cosgrove, who is sponsering a bill tyt would close the loophole in Virgina's law. We're trying to tight the code soo some pervert isn't able to up-skirt or down-blouse any one else." Similar effforts have played out across the coountry, as states struggle to to rewoord laws written before the advancement of camers technologyi led to a boom in digital voyeurism. The internet has fueled the erotic explosionof"up-skirt"or"down-blouse" into a search engine, and up to a million of Web sites have popped up. [SANTA is going for a coffee break, if any more of you readers are interested in what one critic of SANTA's Articles called-"SLUDGE"-req est "up-skirts #2]excuse any typos:

Comments, Views, Votes
GoddessBellissima 58 F
2 Articles
Score 0.0
Pay attention...   2/1/2005

I can't & won't speak for others. I can only voice my own opinion, for whatever it's worth. Frankly, if you answer a profile/message that the poster feels you don't meet their requirements? Don't be surprised if you get a reply that may singe your eyeballs! <br> People; male, female, top, bottom, dom/me, sub, slave, whatever, get tired of sifting thru the needy, greedy, fulfill ...

3 Comments, 365 Views, 32 Votes ,7.46 Score
Lady_DvL 67 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
there was a time   1/18/2005

There was a time I use to answer a polite "no thanks" to all the mails I received (here or elswhere) beeing a woman and a Dominant one generate a lot of asking mails. Use to think I needed a special subcretary to answer all of them but never found the one *S* <br> This took me a enormous amount of time, maybe because I was more than polite and gave a little answer to every mail ...

7 Comments, 393 Views, 24 Votes ,3.93 Score
needfemdom3 63 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
A kinder way to reject a prospect   1/11/2005

My experience with the Alt IM and Chatrooms has left me with a somewhat bitter taste for the manner in which disinterest is shown. <br> I would suggest that Alt managment devise a more subte and less semantic manner in which to indicate a lack of interest in either an IM or private chat arrangement. <br> Could we not utilize, "Sorry, but [this person] is not presently ...

3 Comments, 245 Views, 25 Votes ,3.57 Score
flash51167 53 M
7 Articles
Score 0.0
ID feel much better   1/10/2005

yes thats right if a person feels the message they recieved was not for them then a simple no thanks would do the trick. By saying no in a responceyou let the other member know that the site is not full of people who just want to show photos of them selves so to all those who respond NO THANKS THANK YOU FLASH51167

0 Comments, 72 Views, 9 Votes ,4.07 Score
93 Articles
Score 0.0
[Another Santa ARRESTED]   1/10/2005

[DATELINE]ForestCity;ASantaAressted: AP: A-nother.Santa.was.charged.with .taking taking indecent liberties with one of his girl elfs. Davie.Cty sheriff's.said.that.the11yr.old.girl volunteer.elf.was.touched.inappropr- iately as soon as they left Forest City on the way to his house for a childrens xmas party, after gaining parents permission to travel with Santa. ...

0 Comments, 92 Views, 11 Votes
subseeker1941 83 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
Revealing   1/2/2005

A friendly and polite response to a profile should merit a "No thanks" if the person doesn't match one's preferences. If not it would not only be a lack of "kinderstube": it is surprising how many people don't realize ho much they are revealing about themselves by not extending this basic courtesy. Not getting any reply at all after some time is an answer in itself - and I for one accept ...

2 Comments, 125 Views, 15 Votes ,4.36 Score
Subtle_Cruelty 59 M
2 Articles
Score 0.0
Tell Me no, it's ok   12/22/2004

I would rather be told no thanks than hear nothing back. I follow up with a reply thanking the person for taking the time to turn me down If you get a nasty response, look on the bright side, you don't have to worry if you made the wrong choice turning that person down. Then bask in the glow of knowing how bad they really wanted you. <br> Anybody seen my slave?

0 Comments, 90 Views, 17 Votes ,3.55 Score
Subtle_Cruelty 59 M
2 Articles
Score 0.0
Say no thanks and then......   12/22/2004

Say no thanks and then block the user. That way you don't have to listen to the whiners. <br> Still looking for my slave.

0 Comments, 117 Views, 16 Votes ,4.16 Score
lilmissexkitten 51 F
4 Articles
Score 0.0
In defence   12/18/2004

When I first joined Alt and every other site, I made a point of replying to each response I got even though at times it felt as if I needed a secretary. <br> I try to be clear on my wants/needs and not to lead anyone up the garden path... <br> I thought that 'thanks for your interest but you are not for me' would be appreciated instead I received responses asking ...

4 Comments, 571 Views, 37 Votes ,6.96 Score
bibrianma 47 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
how to get out without being rude.   12/15/2004

i recentley met this guy online and before we met he seemed really cool. he looked attractive to me and he was well hung and said he was a total top wich i really like. but when i got to his place he was totally not what he said he was then i was really dissapointed, but i didnt really know what to say. i ended up leaving without doing anything with him but he said that i was a tease and ...

2 Comments, 410 Views, 18 Votes ,4.49 Score
Horny4_u_2 63 M
2 Articles
Score 0.0
saying not interested   12/8/2004

even if you email someone or they email you, it would be polite in just saying no thanks or not my type, I have found that people have a tendency to get really rude if you don't respond either way. so I make it a point to reply whether to say no thanks or not my type, just my viewpoint

4 Comments, 93 Views, 20 Votes ,3.51 Score
Music_ata 52 M
4 Articles
Score 0.0
WHy do people "phish"   12/7/2004

Why is it that people will send a "email" with a different addy to respond back to. And then have links to "paid" sites in order to reply. At other sites.? To me it gets old. Am I the Lone Ranger or what?

1 Comments, 102 Views, 9 Votes ,3.64 Score
soggypantscan 42 M
10 Articles
Score 0.0
Cougars   12/5/2004

I don't know about you, but I have trouble with Cougars. They are constantly prowling around me, its not that I'm overly against fooling around with older women, its when they say "you know I have a your age" that doesn't do it for me. <br> Why is it the Cougars are far more forward then the rest?

6 Comments, 226 Views, 16 Votes ,2.10 Score
Iluvcartoons 46 M
2 Articles
Score 0.0
One of the obstacles I've run into with my own bi-curiosity...   12/2/2004

I used to get whipped every now and then by a master (who will remain nameless here), he knew I was bi-curious, but he also knew that the mutual agreement between US was he was master and he whipped me. Before we did anything, we discussed a bit about what was acceptable between us. I already have a mistress and I'm HER slave, and every now and then she liked to send me to him for a proper ...

1 Comments, 171 Views, 14 Votes ,4.90 Score
sweetdarkluv 63 M
5 Articles
Score 0.0
Time to be polite.   11/16/2004

I believe that any well mannered person has the time to be polite. Of course standard members are restricted to the number of emails they can answer. I understand that. Anyone who writes me gets a reply even if it is no thank you. I appreciate that people here are reaching out to people they feel may be kindred spirits. Take heart my fellow rejectees. Somebody's looking for somebody like ...

2 Comments, 94 Views, 30 Votes ,6.18 Score
NewestFlavor 64 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
Sometimes it's just not worth it!   11/15/2004

I used to take the time to say no politely and it usualy ends up in the other person getting hostile over being rejected. If someone is across the country or IN another country I don't see the point of answering. It's silly to me and I don't have the time to be honest. Don't take it personally! Just my 2 cents..

1 Comments, 145 Views, 32 Votes ,3.52 Score
sugar1967 56 F
47 Articles
Score 0.0
how could you?   11/9/2004

this one would like to take a moment or two to speak her feelings on the word No and what it means girl was always taught that no matter your relation no matter your situation one always has the right to say No or has a safe word then when used is supposed to stop the present activity from happening but it seems to this girl that sometimes ...

1 Comments, 97 Views, 17 Votes ,2.70 Score
dayzlight 66 F
2 Articles
Score 0.0
How lovely we are not meant for each other   10/31/2004

WEll well well, of late i have had some pleasant experiences with saying no thanks. In a couple of letters i responded with...'i think You got the wrong idea about what i am looking for, but thanks for writing' or ' i am afraid that that is really not something i am interested in' or even 'now i know all about You, You have not even said why You wrote me, i do not think there is any hope ...

0 Comments, 132 Views, 17 Votes ,5.11 Score
Man_Bear25 44 M
7 Articles
Score 0.0
how to say no.   10/30/2004

How do you say no to a person you dont even know? Well the truth is you might be missing on a great guy or girl and most people say no pretty quickly if the person standing infront of them is not a gq or perfect ten model. Oh well get over it, we are all sometime or another plastic, no matter what we look like or are like we are only human. If you dont like the person and dont have the ...

0 Comments, 37 Views, 12 Votes ,2.45 Score
leggyredhead 66 F
67 Articles
Score 0.0
Please Read Profile Before Sending An Email   10/26/2004

I have recieved emails from individuals who have in all likelihood not taken the time to read my profile. If they had they wouldn't have put forth the effort to send me an email as my location and what I am seeking here differs from their own. I typically don't respond to these emails, not out of a lack of common courtesy but because it's clear that they either didn't read my profile, or ...

5 Comments, 96 Views, 37 Votes ,5.95 Score
leggyredhead 66 F
67 Articles
Score 0.0
Responding to e-mails   10/24/2004

I have seen frequent postings on alt about people who don't answer e-mail. I myself have a system. In my profile I clearly state that I won't relocate, want nothing to do with attached partners and am not into sadists. Despite this I get e-mail from these individuals which I typically don't answer. Nor should I be expected to, if the individual sending it has read my profile then they know ...

1 Comments, 91 Views, 20 Votes ,6.70 Score
Hiddin2 83 M
3 Articles
Score 0.0
You'd have to be crazy.   10/12/2004

How many times has a hot woman in a tight red dress approached you, brushed her blond bangs out of her blue eyes, curled her pouty lips up and asked you: do you come here often? Do you want to? <br> Now if this were to happen... would you turn her down? We all know that if you are a man, and you know that this blonde is not a man.... the answer is Huh NOOOO> <br> ...

0 Comments, 73 Views, 9 Votes ,0.86 Score
QueenBee4real 51 F
6 Articles
Score 0.0

Most of the time a man is attracted to a woman's face, her figure and then maybe her personality after. He then wonders how her body would look without her clothes. That is when his imagination starts to take over him completely. He can not stop wondering what sex would be like with her. Then he starts to create fantasies about having a sexual encounter with her and he would do just about ...

1 Comments, 94 Views, 7 Votes ,5.59 Score
blueeyedylan 39 M
2 Articles
Score 0.0
Why can't they just say it????   9/23/2004

with a few girls that i have been with later i found out they just wanted to be friends. But they started it???? This not makes me feel bad but it also makes me wonder what i do to make them think that is the only way to be my friend? I think that is why i like it here. Don't have to worry weather you want to be my frined or not, just if you want to get it on, if a friendship happens out of ...

0 Comments, 31 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
blueeyedylan 39 M
2 Articles
Score 0.0
Why can't they just say it????   9/23/2004

with a few girls that i have been with later i found out they just wanted to be friends. But they started it???? This not makes me feel bad but it also makes me wonder what i do to make them think that is the only way to be my friend? I think that is why i like it here. Don't have to worry weather you want to be my frined or not, just if you want to get it on, if a friendship happens out of ...

0 Comments, 60 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
QueenBee4real 51 F
6 Articles
Score 0.0

Most of the time a man is attracted to a woman's face, her figure and then maybe her personality after. He then wonders how her body would look without her clothes. That is when his imagination starts to take over him completely. He can not stop wondering what sex would be like with her. Then he starts to create fantasies about having a sexual encounter with her and he would do just about ...

1 Comments, 135 Views, 20 Votes ,6.44 Score
helplesshussy 45 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
Submission brings a great deal of problems with being assertive   9/8/2004

I am a new submissive femme and getting more than my fair share of responses. the trouble is that i am happy to messege the Doms and i am not wasting time, i really do want to meet up with some of them, but some of them try to really pressurise me into a meeting the first time we talk and i find it very difficult to say no. Sometimes they want things that i am not ready for and sometimes ...

1 Comments, 83 Views, 16 Votes ,6.21 Score
S_she_S 54 F
36 Articles
Score 0.0
Reply to Hurting Feelings   8/31/2004

I too have seen much of this. When sent an e-mail no matter if I am interested or not, I write back cordially thanking them but respectfully declining. Why is it then these socalled "Dominants" come back with acidy remarks and hissing insults? One word: Immaturity. They've never truly grown up. Either within the lifestyle or outside of it. Same can be said for women however. ...

1 Comments, 84 Views, 36 Votes ,8.07 Score
Cocosilk69 50 F
6 Articles
Score 0.0
RE: Why do people find they have to lie ??   8/30/2004

I had this happen to me just recently. A female submissive was gung ho about being my sub. She was into kinky stuff that I was into to. But she couldn’t express these feelings with her husband (red flag #1). When it came down to meeting, she didn’t want to give her number (red flag # 2) because she says her husband is a snoop. To make a long story short, she was a no-show and when ...

0 Comments, 61 Views, 19 Votes ,5.89 Score
2 Articles
Score 0.0
got to be honest ya site is losing ground unless there more open hearts   8/29/2004

it not going to open hearts unless it beautiful i sorry i lost not gonna come back unless human understand thier own heart

0 Comments, 68 Views, 18 Votes
Hot_Domme 60 F
9 Articles
Score 0.0
No Thanks is important   8/26/2004

No means No, unless you're role playing, then you should pre-set a safe word. If not sure, then stop what you're doing, as it is important that everything be agreed on, and not against someone's will. (note, you can get sued)

0 Comments, 60 Views, 15 Votes ,4.82 Score
IrishPrincess4 61 F
13 Articles
Score 0.0
Reply to Don't Bend Over   8/20/2004

Dear Tex944 <br> I think you're article was better suited for the "jokes" section of the magazine. <br> No true Master would ever speak so foolishly to His slave. Maybe a young guy to his girlfriend, but not a Master to His slave. <br> After reading some of your other articles and your profile, I've come to the conclusion, you are a young guy, ...

0 Comments, 65 Views, 14 Votes ,6.50 Score
lil_sub_kitten 40 F
4 Articles
Score 0.0
An amendment to "Hurting Feelings"   8/6/2004

in my previous article i expressed how some people are rude and hurtful to others and i said that some Doms dont realize they are hurting feelings, i had meant to say that both Doms and subs/slaves can be hurtful. i apologize to everyone. subs can also be known to write back and be hurtful at times, it is not JUST the Dom/Dommes that do. please accept my humble apologies for the oversight ...

0 Comments, 52 Views, 11 Votes ,4.85 Score
lil_sub_kitten 40 F
4 Articles
Score 0.0
Hurting Feelings   8/2/2004

sometimes a person will be disinterested in another and write back and be very hurtful. this is tasteless and tactless. if you do not like how someone looks or are just disinterested please just say no thank you. do not be rude. people have feelings, sometimes Doms do not realize that their words may hurt someoens feelings. but they do. its good to remember that everyone has feelings. a lot ...

0 Comments, 92 Views, 23 Votes ,6.63 Score
tex944 44 M
4 Articles
Score 0.0
Don't bend over   8/1/2004

I often had my slave complain when i give it to there in the ass, i hvae the answer just told her not ot bend over then!

2 Comments, 104 Views, 26 Votes
lookin4lotsofFun 49 C
9 Articles
Score 0.0
No Thanks to Toys, Anal, Bi-Sex, and more. Section 1 - Toys   7/4/2004

My wife & I tie one another up occaionally and when it happens the other knows it is no holds bar, meaning they can do whatever they want to do. It was the only way we could do the things "we" wanted even if the other was not gung ho. For example, my wife was not so much into toys, so I tie her up and play and play and play. She gets into into eventually but the beginning is slow. She ...

0 Comments, 68 Views, 23 Votes ,5.23 Score
lookin4lotsofFun 49 C
9 Articles
Score 0.0
No Thanks to Toys, Anal, Bi-Sex, and more. Section 2 - Toys   7/4/2004

The next time I tied my wife up she was on her stomach and I licked her pussy clean, fingering the heck out of her. I had 3 fingers in her pounding her pussy as deep and hard as I could. I licked her anus ans she freaked out, then I did it again, same reaction, then I just buried my tongue in her tight forbidden litle hole and tongue ****ed the heck out of her. She involuntarily spread ...

0 Comments, 66 Views, 11 Votes ,4.66 Score
lookin4lotsofFun 49 C
9 Articles
Score 0.0
No Thanks to Toys, Anal, Bi-Sex, and more. Section 3 - Anal   7/4/2004

So only when I tie my wife up am I able to do wild and kinky things. So I tied her up again, she hadnt let me do her anally but one time until I force her to tied up. I tongue her out anally forcing her to suck me till I am leaking cum all over. After making her drink some of it I then toy around her anus with the head of my penis leaking cum all over it. She loves the feel of my penis ...

0 Comments, 84 Views, 11 Votes ,4.29 Score
lookin4lotsofFun 49 C
9 Articles
Score 0.0
No Thanks to Toys, Anal, Bi-Sex, and more. Section 4 - Strapons   7/4/2004

So here I have my wife tied up able to do unspeakable things to her in any manner or form I desire. So I eat her out bringing her to orgasm. Then I pound her pussy till she comes yet another time. I come all in her pussy and then make her lick me clean sucking my cock and drinking the rest of my cum and her pussy juice. I then lick her pussy clean of all her juices and at her request ...

0 Comments, 145 Views, 13 Votes ,2.30 Score
fixerheiman 73 C
1 Article
Score 0.0
ha,ha,ha   5/31/2004

how do you get a gay guy to fuck a woman?shit in her cunt.

1 Comments, 177 Views, 43 Votes
raftguide 55 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
response to monkeylove   5/25/2004

Actually the auto response u mentiond is available now, , use the auto response feature in your preferances to say "No Thanks" to everone that sends u a email, and go back and apologize for the mix up on the ones you really want to keep. this way everyone that sends u a message can at least feel that u have responded back in kind <br> Good luck

0 Comments, 30 Views, 14 Votes ,5.54 Score
carol_pacd 69 T
2 Articles
Score 0.0
Re: sayin no thanks   5/22/2004

I agree... When composing a message to someone with honesty and being respectful, it would be appreicated to recieve a reply of "no thanks" or "not interested, " instead of wondering if the message was ever delivered.... A rating of non respon-dees or something similiar would be a good idea...It would save time for those who are sincere in their search would'nt ya think?

0 Comments, 150 Views, 20 Votes ,5.68 Score
brian352004 55 M
19 Articles
Score 0.0
Not Interested In Meeting.   5/17/2004

Any suggestions for politely telling someone you are not attracted to them after they eventually send you a picture...after exchanging a number of emails?

0 Comments, 45 Views, 25 Votes ,5.57 Score
SexyLes4u 48,1948 LC
4 Articles
Score 0.0
Some People Have No Tact!   4/16/2004

I am finding that some people think I am being offensive when I tell them I am only looking for people who love BBW. Heres my point, I am very secure and I love who I am! Why should I settle for someone who just wants to fuck? If you dont love the chub..Im not the girl for you nor are you the guy for me. Dont be mad about it. Appreciate that fact that I am REAL!

0 Comments, 32 Views, 65 Votes ,8.64 Score
brbearkat 67 M
2 Articles
Score 0.0
To Reply or Not to Reply   4/16/2004

When I contact someone, I always make sure I fit the profile. I write a very thoughtful message that is based on the person's profile. I have paid the extra fee so standard members can contact me. Still, leaving out automatic replies I only get about a 15-20% return. I'm a reasonably attractive man, very intelligent and witty. To me, if I go to this much trouble and the person just ignores ...

0 Comments, 23 Views, 46 Votes ,7.53 Score
sbgirl 54 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
people who won't take no   4/14/2004

I try to respond to every reply to my ad but do not always have time to do it right away. And I have had to tell a few people no and then some on more than one occasion. There are a lot of people that need to realize that just because someone is on here looking doesn't mean they owe you anything. I have had two different people try to convince me to give them a chance (after I made it ...

0 Comments, 96 Views, 33 Votes ,7.83 Score
Rays_precious 69 F
5 Articles
Score 0.0
The sisterhood.....   4/9/2004

Often wonders what happened to the sisterhood of submissives..those who have the honor to allow their collared sisters to thrive in a relationship with their Masters without interference, jealousy, and envy. Seems too many now cannot have what they wish, so they undermine those who have found some happiness and surrender to One they adore and love...perhaps a lesson to be learned here...if ...

0 Comments, 36 Views, 30 Votes ,5.79 Score
slavegirl1nred 52 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
Giving Negative Responses   4/2/2004

my Master throws group parties. So he sends out very polite and insightful "cold calls" to come and meet in a safe and sane place to screen and then to later attend a safe and sane group party with like minded people. We browse profiles on his addy because he is a gold member. We think the serious will pay for membership although I am just a standard member. It's worth the money to have ...

0 Comments, 35 Views, 30 Votes ,4.71 Score
NHRetiree 89 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
To Reply or Not   3/17/2004

I don't know why some men reply to your ad and then get upset when they are not answered. I am very explicit in my profile as to what I am looking for and also what I am NOT looking for. And yet men who are WAY outside my age parameters, are married, or are otherwise unsuitable seem to think I will bend those parameters and make an exception for them because they are so ...

0 Comments, 65 Views, 42 Votes ,7.55 Score
CuteBoundBunny 62 F
11 Articles
Score 0.0
A simple fast response to say no thanks is nice   2/20/2004

Many times I respond to folks and so no thanks that I am not interested and I get back the sweetest emails saying thank you for being polite. That is sort of sadenning that others dont do the same -- on the other hand, don't hold it against a standard member if they dont respond as Alt only allows so many emails per day and the female members get tons more mail that is allowed responses ...

0 Comments, 196 Views, 65 Votes ,8.85 Score
sub2CodeMaster 51 F
11 Articles
Score 0.0
to respond or not to respond?   2/12/2004

Ahh, time for me to put in my $0.02 worth on the respond or not 'debate'. <br> First, I have autoreply set on my alt account, that states - <br> In my opinion, this autoreply ...

0 Comments, 70 Views, 41 Votes ,7.24 Score
harleym 43 M
2 Articles
Score 0.0
best friend want me to join in   1/26/2004

i have a buddy who is cheating on his girlfriend with someone elses wife and they both want me to join in and have a threesome know my first thoughts were no way but i have been thinking about changing my awnser and have some fun with them any sugestions

0 Comments, 45 Views, 23 Votes ,2.54 Score
SSS_Stormie 63 F
7 Articles
Score 0.0
It is ok to say NO Thanks   1/14/2004

some Say that They Can not say No..But they can..Most Try to inimtidate others but how they use Words.always Be on Guard of Ones Who use Big Words to Throw you.With My Learnings.Ones that come at Me with Baby You wont Ever find another Like When I Run Fast and Hard..Know When To say No Thanks I will pass on That. One Dont have to Agree to anything That They dont Want too.

0 Comments, 34 Views, 18 Votes ,4.76 Score
LaceyDoll 66 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
ITS NOT BEING RUDE   12/22/2003

First of all … A profile states specifics…or it should… as someone else stated in a post why would anyone bother to reply to a specific request? If you don’t fit the request? I know I don’t.. Why make a fool of your self and show how insensitive you are to the needs of others... Who wants some one who doesnt respect the needs of others?? Second… why post insults ...

0 Comments, 112 Views, 71 Votes ,7.90 Score
Seraphimsphoto 50 M
1 Article
Score 0.0
reply to Does Commonsense go out the window?   11/30/2003

I am a dom and I have a "no play" on the first date rule (no play dosen't mean no sex, just no bondage). It would seem to me that this should be an "unwritten Law" for subs. Why would anyone put themselvs at the complete mercy of a total stranger? <br> Hey, there are clowns out there and they are eating people! So, this is more advice than anything. When meeting someone new, ...

1 Comments, 71 Views, 44 Votes ,6.06 Score
WendyT 61 F
2 Articles
Score 0.0
Does Commonsense go out the window?   11/1/2003

Surely the rules in the real time dating world are the same as a first meeting from a d/s chat site or a personals ? For example meeting a jerk in a d/s situation that has appeared to be a perfect person online, why does the disappointed person not say thanks but no thanks? What perception is there that this person who purports to be dominant has to be obeyed? Surely the disappointed person ...

0 Comments, 75 Views, 57 Votes ,8.19 Score
SwitchyKitty 49 C
3 Articles
Score 0.0
respond too just say no   10/22/2003

there is a difference is saying no thanks and just flat out being rude! It doesn't take someone using such language too get ones point across. Treat everyone like you would want too be treated yourself.

0 Comments, 37 Views, 58 Votes ,8.35 Score
RuaAngelie 62 F
1 Article
Score 0.0
RE: 2nd "re a little advice "   10/19/2003

I sort of see what you are talking about, but I still agree with the original article... Currently I live in a very large metropolitan area, and just going 20-30 miles can take an hour or two. However, I may only have a total of 4 hours to give to a partner, due to my current situation... I would hate for a guy to travel several miles to see me, and find out at the last minute that ...

0 Comments, 51 Views, 41 Votes ,6.61 Score
17 Articles
Score 0.0
re a little advice   10/8/2003

I talking a bout the profiles people post and the ones they answer. And of course those people who write you who are 2 hours away(etc) <br> Think for one second(not meant to be rude), but some people who really beleive in the life, are in small towns with good jobs, are not willing to give everything up just to meet that speacil person, what about them? <br> They ...

0 Comments, 31 Views, 36 Votes ,5.57 Score
danzeg 52 M
2 Articles
Score 0.0
Push LOVE BLIND   7/7/2003

I kept emailing this woman that thought I was sexy. I guess I wound up hurting my self-Cause she thought I was obbsecive? I was trying to email her , and she was a standerd member. I wished her all the best.BUT she thinks I am strange, sorry I forgot to have manners.

0 Comments, 70 Views, 87 Votes ,1.23 Score
velvet63 57 F
2 Articles
Score 0.0
is it right to abuse someone while their hurting?   1/22/2003

well is it? u dont a friend, sit on the edge of their bed and while their asleep touch them. u dont do u? especialy when they have just been made homeless, childless, humiliated, and forced to be sub or else. by yet another nasty vile monster.

0 Comments, 213 Views, 180 Votes ,4.89 Score
velvet63 57 F
2 Articles
Score 0.0
when a sub is really a dom   1/17/2003

i recently knew a very mixed up man, howard a sub. he strangely ordered me about, yet still insisted he was sub. hed lose his temper with me, tell me im a bitch. hes well and truly gone from my life.......he tried to abuse his cleaner, what a weirdo.

0 Comments, 194 Views, 226 Votes ,0.27 Score